Tuesday, February 19, 2008


good morning! i finally got the opportunity last night to start drumming for a hula/tahitian dance group, the same one dee's brother chris has been with for several years. i had a great time. really looking forward to continue on with this. will probably be drumming and playing some guitar and bass for the upcoming USF show as well as the july show for the actual dance group.

one morning after work i got home and thought about how many times i complained about something while at work. this nurse didn't do this, this nurse didn't do that, why is it that i'm always on my feet when others are sitting around, and when i get to sit down some other nurse asks me to turn their patient, help bathe another patient, and so on and so forth. anyway, i've decided to STOP all that and just be the nurse that i am. i've realized that i'm on my feet constantly night after night because i'm trying to be the best nurse possible for my patients and the other patients in the unit. i think that's what it is. so i'm really going to go into work for now on with this new attitude. i did this on sunday night and i sure was tested. i wanted to complain so bad because the night was so tough and i was basically given a half-ass report about my patient and was left to clean up ALL the paper work. i get home and dee asked me how was work. i wanted to complain but chose not to. then she told me, that it's okay to VENT.

so what's the difference between complaining and venting? in my opinion they are pretty similar. what makes the difference between the two is that when you vent you complain about a particular situation or person or what not and let it go. do what you have to do to get that negative energy out and continue on. get passed it all, move on and learn from the situation. thanks for putting it into perspective, dee!


Anonymous said...

hi dave...praise God for male nurses like you who genuinely care for their patients. my dad's in the ICU right now, and i thought about you. how blessed your patients are to have someone who truly cares about them. i wish you were my dad's nurse. keep on doing what you're doing. God bless!


Anonymous said...

i just got back from visiting my dad. actually, the 1st comment i wrote you earlier was from the waiting room of the icu. anyway, God listened to my prayers! when i walked back into his room, i was greeted by this super nice filipino male nurse and he introduced himself to me. it turns out he was my dad's new nurse for the night!!! God is good :).


DAV said...

thanks noreen!!! i pray all is well with your dad and family. God is definitely GOOD. my prayers are with you. tell michael and mikayla hello for me. hope to see you all soon.

Joe said...


always good to talk to you man. I know it was for like 3 minutes on 2 different days but it's been too long. Hope you get a chance to vent more so you don't go crazy hahaha, I know I do it too!

Take care man, keep doin what you do!

Marites said...

Hi Dave!

I would want you to be my nurse. YOu're awesome. When I use to do research at UCI Med Center in the ER, I heard nurses complain all the time, and even about their patients. So props to you for working hard for your patients!

I try not to complain either, but I definitely need to let it all out sometimes, and I'm glad I have people to vent to.
Take care.