Wednesday, March 12, 2008


from march 21-march 31 my hospital will be on strike #3. luckily i'll be in the philippines not worrying about it. since i'm scheduled for vacation i still get paid. unfortunately, tons of my co-workers will be affected. i'm totally against crossing the picket line for several reasons. but i definitely don't look down on those who do choose to cross. many of these nurses are carrying multiple mortgages, caring for their spouses and their children. losing 10 days of work as a nurse can cause a huge hit to one's financial status.

our union is still fighting for better patient safety issues, retirement benefits, and a couple of other things. i'm praying that there will soon be resolution between our union and sutter health. strikes don't benefit anyone, so the sooner things get resolved the better!

1 comment:

The Gian said...

yo...find me a girl while you're in the PI. if dee gets mad at you for looking at girls, say it's for me. hahahaha. hope you have fun over there man. and don't drink the water.