Wednesday, April 02, 2008

for some reason i'm sorta home sick. haven't felt like this in a really long time. i think it's because i have to start work tonight and i just came back from a nice long vacation. but damn feeling home sick sucks especially when you are home alone. that's one of the things about working at night. everybody is at work during the day and you get stuck at home not doing anything. i could be doing something more productive like working out, cleaning my place, washing my truck, and cycling, but damn, i'm too damn lazy right now. really wanted to go back home this weekend but air fare is too expensive and i'm not really in the mood to drive from SF to LA and back over a 3 day break. anyway, just wanted my fam to know that i miss you all very much and i can't wait to see you all soon!!! love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh goodness... so sappy. We love you too and we'll see you in a week.