Friday, August 08, 2008

it's been a long time...

...since i last posted. a lot of things have probably happened. imma try and recap...

1) i did get another job recently (april) working at an outpatient chemotherapy infusion center. i really love working there except that my sleeping pattern is even more messed up since this gig requires me to work from 9a-5p. i actually get to talk to my patients and it's not a stressful environment. it's a good balance working here because the icu is such a stressful environment. i'm actually thinking about working at the clinic full time and working at the hospital as a per diem. who knows. will keep you posted.

2) i bought a new camera. nikon d300 with a nikon 17-55 f/2.8 mm. this has probably got to be one of my best purchases yet. haha. photography has pretty much consumed my other hobbies (which aren't much). i try to shoot as much as i could. dee is still my biggest critic (i hate it, but she is helping me to get better). jason deguzman has definitely given me a lot of thank you jason. we definitely have to get together and shoot some time. if you all have time, check out my website:

i try to post as much of my photos as possible.

3) trying to get together with the band. gig on october 4th in san diego! try and come out people. we still trying to finalize rehearsals and logistics. really miss playing with the band.

4) might be starting a young adult youth choir with dee at st. augustine's church. check out dee's blog about the new thing that she is getting into. proud of you, babe. i pray that God continues to lead and bless you as you begin this new journey.

5) this sunday i will be playing in my first bay area basketball league! yeaaaaa booiiii. really excited about it. i haven't played in an organized basketball league in a really long time. it's probably been about 3 years or so since i last played in one. we'll see if i can hang for at least 1 quarter! haha.

6) the search for a house as been postponed. didn't find one in time so i had to renew my lease at my place. what's really cool is that dee moved in. it's been great. we fight, but what's new. we will always and forever have a love/hate relationship! love you! i should add that dee loves to COMPLAIN that the place is too small and she doesn't have enough space for her things. haha. hey can't ask for too much in a studio. anyway, she ended buying a "closet" and i'm not allowed to put my clothes in there. oh well, guess the rest of my clothes gotta stay on the floor. hahahaha...

7) getting ready to go down to so cal for my nephew's bday. totally miss my family. wish i could see them more often. especially charles. he's growing up so fast and everytime i go back he gets bigger and bigger. and he's also getting more and more handsome, like me. hahahahahahahaha. LOL. any comments?

8) aite that's about it. going to the giants/dodgers game. try and look for me on tv. you probably won't but try anyway.


1 comment:

Joe said...

Nice job man, always good to know you ain't just working and/or killing yourself from business! I wish it wasn't such a huge fad to get an SLR camera now, otherwise I would so be into getting one but we shall see. (plus pics as good as yours and Jay's scare me)

I dunno if you heard but I'm moving up to LA for a new job so when you roll down hit me up for sure. I will be a little bit closer! Peace bro