Thursday, January 24, 2008

does anyone realize what a year it's going to be for jordan brand. i think there is only one person that will understand, dante derrick david...daayyyymmm. this year will definitely be the year of bankruptcy for many. shoe release every single month with multiple releases. i'm definitely staying away. actually, maybe not. not crazy shoe shopping but just enough to keep me SANE and left with some money. this year will definitely test me to save, save, save and see how i keep up with my priorities.

on another note, looks like Philippines 2008 is going to happen. really getting excited to go.


1) mom is going
2) dee and her fam are going
3) first time to visit the home land
4) will be there during holy week
5) will meet my mom's side of the family
6) food, shopping, and fun

unfortunately, my dad ain't gonna be able to go. he's been a little sick in the past couple of weeks and he might be susceptible to getting even more sick. please pray for his health and pray that he gets well soon.

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