Tuesday, January 15, 2008


So I got the flu shot last friday for the first time in my life and the only reason why I got it was because I got a letter in my box at work stating that in order to continue employment at MPHS I needed to get the flu shot. Freakin aye...I should have read the entire sheet cuz I ended up getting the flu the following day. Got stuffed up, unable to breath out of my right nostril, dripping snot and the whole shieeeettt. Then on Sunday I ended up getting body aches. DAMN the flu shot. So guess what the back sheet said. If you decide to decline the flu shot please submit the declination form to HR. DAMNIT...LESSON to be learned. Read everything. I ended up calling in sick for 2 days. What a waist of PTO (paid time off). Rather saved those hours for some snowboarding. Oh well! Guess I gotta work more to make that time up.

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