Monday, January 28, 2008

random thoughts

someone please tell dee to blog something new. i'm pretty tired of seeing the same photo for over a month. has it been a month? i don't remember. anyway, anyone here about the freaking satellite coming to earth in about a month. freaking aye if i saw a freakin bus sized thing flying in the air and coming right at me...damn i don't even know what to think. haha. would i even have time to think. wtf. shouldn't we blow that shit up before it hits something. our country spends hella money on national security yet they can't prevent something from flying into earth that has the possibility of killing people? haha. i'm just talking jibberish. but not really. but you know what i mean right? am i even making any sense. i'm tired. i got work tonight. one night left, then one night off. then back for 2 nights. anyway, i think i'm in need of a trip to so cal to see family and friends. aite ya'll take it easy.

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