Monday, December 26, 2005


This is a bit long, but please take the time to read it. It's quite inspirational!!!

By Alfred Yuson

The Philippine Star 05/16/2004

Patricia Evangelista, a 19-year- old, Mass Communications sophomore of University of the Philippines (UP)-Diliman, did the country proud Friday night by besting 59 other student contestants from 37 countries in the 2004 International Public Speaking competition conducted by the English Speaking Union (ESU) in London.

She triumphed over a field of exactly 60 speakers from all over the English-speaking world, including the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, reported Maranan.

The board of judges' decision was unanimous, according to contest chairman Brian Hanharan of the British broadcasting Corp. (BBC).


When I was little, I wanted what many Filipino children all over the country wanted. I wanted to be blond, blue-eyed, and white. I thought -- if I just wished hard enough and was good enough, I'd wake upon Christmas morning with snow outside my window and freckles across my nose!
More than four centuries under western domination does that to you. I have sixteen cousins. In a couple of years, there will just be five of us left in the Philippines, the rest will have gone abroad in search of "greener pastures." It's not just an anomaly; it's a trend; the Filipino diaspora. Today, about eight million Filipinos are scattered around the world.
There are those who disapprove of Filipinos who choose to leave. I used to. Maybe this is a natural reaction of someone who was left behind, smiling for family pictures that get emptier with each succeeding year. Desertion, I called it. My country is a land that has perpetually fought for the freedom to be itself. Our heroes offered their lives in the struggle against the Spanish, the Japanese, the Americans. To pack up and deny that identity is tantamount to spitting on that sacrifice.
Or is it? I don't think so, not anymore. True, there is no denying this phenomenon, aided by the fact that what was once the other side of the world is now a twelve-hour plane ride away. But this is a borderless world, where no individual can claim to be purely from where he is now. My mother is of Chinese descent, my father is a quarter Spanish, and I call myself a pure Filipino-a hybrid of sorts resulting from a combination of cultures.
Each square mile anywhere in the world is made up of people of different ethnicities, with national identities and individual personalities. Because of this, each square mile is already a microcosm of the world. In as much as this blessed spot that is England is the world, so is my neighborhood back home.
Seen this way, the Filipino Diaspora, or any sort of dispersal of populations, is not as ominous as so many claim. It must be understood. I come from a Third World country, one that is still trying mightily to get back on its feet after many years of dictatorship. But we shall make it, given more time. Especially now, when we have thousands of eager young minds who graduate from college every year. They have skills. They need jobs. We cannot absorb them all.
A borderless world presents a bigger opportunity, yet one that is not so much abandonment but an extension of identity. Even as we take, we give back. We are the 40,000 skilled nurses who support the UK's National Health Service. We are the quarter-of-a-million seafarers manning most of the world's commercial ships. We are your software engineers in Ireland, your construction workers in the Middle East, your doctors and caregivers in North America, and, your musical artists in London's West End.
Nationalism isn't bound by time or place. People from other nations migrate to create new nations, yet still remain essentially who they are. British society is itself an example of a multi-cultural nation, a melting pot of races, religions, arts and cultures. We are, indeed, in a borderless world!
Leaving sometimes isn't a matter of choice. It's coming back that is. The Hobbits of the Shire travelled all over Middle-Earth, but they chose to come home, richer in every sense of the word. We call people like these balikbayans or the 'returnees' -- those who followed their dream, yet choose to return and share their mature talents and good fortune.
In a few years, I may take advantage of whatever opportunities come my way. But I will come home. A borderless world doesn't preclude the idea of a home. I'm a Filipino, and I'll always be one. It isn't about just geography; it isn't about boundaries. It's about giving back to the country that shaped me.
And that's going to be more important to me than seeing snow outside my windows on a bright Christmas morning.
Mabuhay and Thank you.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Home Sweet Home

Finally arrived from the long 6 hour drive...Wasn't too bad of drive however...Didn't get sleepy this time around. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to leave today because it has been storming like crazy in the Bay Area. REAL STORMS my Southern California friends...If you've never been to the Bay Area when it storms then you haven't really experienced a storm. And when it rains, it rains for DAYS, unlike here in So. Cal were it rains for 5 minutes and we say "Damn, that freaking storm!!!"

Driving into the city of Rosemead was a bit weird to me...I haven't been home in several months, which is probably the longest I've been away from my family. I am really looking forward to spending time with my family...I think I'm going to realize this time around how special CHRISTmas is going to be...Damn...I think I am getting OLD!!! Getting all sentimental and crap!!! DAMN...haha...Anyway...Like I was saying...I have a feeling that this CHRISTmas is going to be really special. More specifically, I think it's going to be special for my Mom and Dad. All of their kids have left their house and are off doing their own grown-up things. Both of my sisters are now married and I'm up in the Bay Area for school. I sometimes wonder what my parents feel when they are at home. Happy? Being able to BE together...or SAD? Away from their children. And you know what...I don't think I'll ever know the truth. My family is not really big on expressing how we feel about each other. Pretty unfortunate. Unfortunate, at least for me because I find myself telling my friends that I miss and love them all the time. Isn't there something wrong with this picture? I pray that one day I'll be able to express to my family how much I love and miss them!!! Anyway...We'll all be together on CHRISTmas!!!

I am also excited to meet up with old HOMIES and catch up on things. It's been awhile since I've last kicked it with the Fellaz!!! I am going to try my best to enjoy every single moment!!! Everyone is starting to do their own thing...I wonder sometimes how it will be when I finish school and begin my career. Will I still keep in touch with friends? Will I lose friendships? Will I gain new ones that will be as special as the old ones? Who knows!!!

Anyway...Picked up my Winter vacation reading material...A Million Little Pieces by James Frey...This book has been getting really good reviews...I'll let you all know how it is!

Till then...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


The day has finally come...FINALS are OVER!!! It has been a very long and difficult semester, but I got through it and now it's time for me to RELAX!!! No work, no school, no stress (hopefully), and NO MORE STUDYING!!!!!!!! I really can't emphasize that enough...Seriously, the brain can only hold so much information and when you reach that point, NUMBNESS!!! Last night when I was studying for my last final, I got to the point where I was studying for over an hour and retained NOTHING!!! One whole hour and I couldn't remember what I was studying!!! Anyway...

Approximately one year from now I will be taking my board exam to become an offical MALE NURSE...that's right...I am going to become (God willing), GREG FOCKER!!! haha... This program, like I've said before, is challenging, but is going pretty darn FAST...I've already completed 2 semesters and going on to finish my first year of nursing school...Still trying to get over the fact that I got accepted to such an awesome school...USF...

Before the Thanksgiving weekend, Dee and I had the opportunity to meet with Father Ricio (sp?) for the first time to begin our FAITH SHARING group! It was an awesome experience...Just me, Dee and Father. We each had the opportunity to share where we were at in our faith and for some reason I began to talk about how God provided me the opportunity to attend a Jesuit University. I've attended public school my entire life...I explained to them that attending the Jesuit University didn't feel anymore different than attending UCI or IVC (2 very great public schools) and that I still haven't figured out why God planned for me to be here. I'm still questioning and searching??? Dee sat down with me one day and explained to me how much USF has been such a wonderful gift to her...let me elaborate, according to Dee...

there is a beautiful church that you could go to anytime you want and pray in silence, the long history of USF, having a crucifix in every classroom, hearing the church bells ring every noon time and at 6pm, seeing Brothers, Fathers, and Sisters consistently on campus...and the list goes on...

Do I not see? Do I not hear? Am I seriously that BLIND and DEAF?

Don't get me wrong...I occassionaly go into the church and pray silently, I've heard people talk about the history and I've heard the bells ring throughout the day...UNFORTUNATELY, as Dee has stated it...I have not taken the time to APPRECIATE and REFLECT on these wonderful creations of GOD!!! I think that is what makes the difference...I think a lot of us know that God continually provides and presents us with His awesome creations and graces, BUT we simply ignore or forget to APPRECIATE them. We need to SLOW DOWN...take the time to pray, take the time to praise, and take the time to GIVE THANKS!!!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.


Thursday, December 08, 2005

Almost Done Pt. II

It's now down to the last couple of days before finals begin. I start this Saturday at 8:00 AM. I have never had a Saturday final in my life. It's a bit weird! Anyway...have to focus on one subject, one exam at a time...

I don't know about anyone else, but I really like being in school. Education is truly a gift and I don't think I could ever stop learning! When I was still working in Irvine, I really felt "uneducated". I did learn a few things here and there, but after a while, things became repetitive and ended up becoming a complete BORE!!! Being in school and having the opportunity to have an education is thought provoking and it really tests your ability to learn and willingness to learn. Maybe it's the field that I'm in...Honestly, there's so much to the nursing field...I'm just intrigued at the amount of knowledge seasoned nurses have. I pray that one day, in God's will, I will have the knowledge to provide the culturally congruent care that clients need and want!!!

Monday, December 05, 2005


"Don't FORCE the Lord into your life, rather INVITE Him into your life during this Advent Season"

I've been having a difficult time lately keeping the faith and living the life that He has called me to carry out. I continuously choose NOT to follow His ways. It has come to the point where I feel so distant and the feeling of warmth, comfort and peace is nowhere to be found. Yes there are times when I get the "feelings" of true happiness, yet are very inconsistent. What am I expecting and searching for? I guess I'm still at the level of my faith where I am seeking to find the "feelings" I used to experience in the "HOME" that embedded the seed of faith, love and hope. Unfortunately, those aren't the feelings of FAITH, LOVE, and HOPE...Living the FAITH is a lifelong journey of struggles and battles, LOVE is not a feeling, but an ACTION, a LIFESTYLE, and a CHOICE, and HOPE...the desire for FULFILLMENT of His LOVE and PEACE. All of these things are what we as Catholic Christians strive for and struggle with every single day of our lives. For some, conquering the battles and meeting the next is like clock-work, however, there are those who seem to be fighting the same battle over and over again and the progression to the next level is at a halt. That's where I'm at.

I understand that God continues to present opportunities for me to serve Him. I think one of my weaknesses is trying to control the "game" and the emotions that serve as the measurement of accomplishment and victory. I believe I am seeking and FORCING to find something that He does not want of me. I need to have a change in mentation, attitude and lifestyle, so that I could INVITE Him openly and willingly.

This past Sunday, Father said "What is the one thing that you will give back to the Lord this Advent season?" The answer is quite obvious, right? But, how many people LISTENED and HEARD the true meaning of what Father said and how many are acutally going to follow through? One...Two...Maybe three...I pray that I am one of those three!!! I desire to INVITE Him into my life, NOT just for this Advent season, but each and every day that He continues to GIVE us.