Wednesday, January 28, 2009

missing it...

the last time i had the opportunity to play the guitar and worship was in october of 2008. i really miss playing for church, LOG, and other events with the band. i think i miss having the opportunity to be around people who were always down to stay up and just be together and praise. it's difficult now-a-days. there aren't any "LOG"s around, no late night hang outs and minimal randomness. but i guess that's a part of growing. i've been speaking to dee about getting AO1 together to do something up here. we always talked about doing something up north, but really hadn't had the chance to do so. i guess if it's meant to be, we will. yea...just really miss worshiping and giving others the opportunity to pray through music!!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

follow up

pretty much cleared the list from the previous post but wasn't able to attend my co-worker's daughter's bday party in millbrae. got out of the game late and wasn't feeling very good after a bruised rib from the game. today's game wasn't too bad. 56-51 LOSS. not bad, considering this was the team who took it last season. we got a lot of work to do, but i have a good feeling about our team this season. a lot of talent and unselfish play! we'll see...

damn...going to costco is soooo much fun. unfortunately, your total price at the cash register isn't and the loooong ass lines SUCK. things ADD-UP really quick. LOL.

NOT looking forward to this weeks work schedule. gonna be another tiring week! please pray for me.

Aite everyone have a great work week.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

things to do for this weekend...

1. WAKE UP early = 900am haha
2. Get Starbucks to wake up
3. Fill-up the tank
4. Head to Daly City
5. MOVE OUT everything from the old apartment
6. Clean the old apartment
7. Clean and Organize the HOUSE
8. Costco Shopping
9. Get ready for 1st bball game of the season
10. Head to Millbrae for a bday party
11. Take some photos in-between
12. Hopefully find some time to relax!?!?

WISH me luck!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rough night in the ICU. Glad to be home, glad the night is over. We had a great team on last night and that I am thankful for. It's taking me a while to fall asleep because my adrenaline is still pumping. So I thought I'd post a quick one. I think I'm really getting tired. That last sentence took me a while. Alright all have a great morning. Stay dry if you in the Bay Area and drive safely! GOOD NIGHT!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


i think i've spent over 2 days trying to update my photo website. i had no clue about CSS and HTML and i think i'm still clueless. the website does look a lot different but i'm hoping everyone will be able to navigate through it farely easy.

i just recently bought a new tripod, actually, my first tripod. LOL. as you may all know i have the nikon d300 with the 17-55 f/2.8, vertical grip set-up. it's quite heavy and so i definitely needed to buy a tripod that would be able to handle all that weight. i did try dee's tripod ($30 from target) and i broke it after 1 day. LOL. that's how heavy my rig is. so i ended up buying the Manfrotto 055XB legs with the 322RC2 head. this set me back a several hundred buckaroos but it's definitely worth it. really wanted to buy the carbon fiber set-up but that would mean double the price! NO WAY!!! it's a bit heavy but i'll survive.

next purchase? nikon SB-900. i really wanted to buy the SB-800, but just recently found out that model got discontinued and i totally missed the best buy SALE. ain't that a B**ch. it's all good the SB-900 is down to $400 from it's original price of $500. it's still a lot of money but i'm pretty sure if i buy this one i won't have to upgrade anymore (hahaha-i always say that-NOT GOOD). anyway, i'm hoping it'll further go down in price before i purchase it.

on another's less than 6 months away from the "big day". i'm a bit nervous. not in a bad way. i'm just praying we get everything done in time and don't kill each other in the process. dee and I have gotten into it a couple of times and i'm pretty sure it's because of me. SORRY babe!!! i'm really trying!

well i'm getting pretty tired. will update more soon.