Monday, December 24, 2007

aint gonna let it stress me no more!

i wish things were different, but i guess things "work-out" the way they are supposed to work out...

i guess trying to change things only makes things WORSE...

gotta eat it all up, forget it, and let things be the way they are...


Monday, December 17, 2007

Basketball Update

Just a quick update...I'm currently coaching at Dee's alma mater elementary school, Saint Veronica's. Long story short, I was offered a position, thought I was going to be able to coach a fairly good team, but ended up getting the SECOND 6th grade B team. That means, not the A team, not the B team, but the "C" team = B team 2. But you know what, we've been in a tournament in the past three weeks and we are UNDEFEATED baby! And this Saturday is the championship game. That's right boooooiiii...Another trip to the championship game, 3 years in a row, with 3 different teams. Things are looking up!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

had to put this one on my blog too! ENJOY...this shit made me crack up!

CLICK HERE...i promise it ain't a porn site.