Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I really hate writing papers. Seriously, I hate writing papers. It's probably because I really suck at it!!! It takes me forever to write a paper. You know what the suckiest thing is...All my grad courses are based only on papers and presentations!!!! CRAP!!! Presentations no problem...Papers = BIG PROBLEM... DANG...PRAY for me, pray that I have increased perfusion!!!! haha...PEAS

Good luck during finals IRVINE peeps!!!

God bless!!!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

“The test of courage comes when we are the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.” – Ralph Sockman

Dee read this to me this morning while we were driving and for some reason it really stuck with me throughout the day. Two sentences with such profoundness! When I first heard it, I don’t think I fully understood the true meaning that lay behind those few words. So I looked up two key words to help me understand the sentences a little more 1) Courage and 2) Tolerance.

Courage - the ability to confront fear in the face of pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation.

Tolerance - a social
, cultural and religious term applied to the collective and individual practice of not persecuting those who may believe, behave or act in ways of which one may not approve.

I don’t know about you, but I never really took the time to think about the depth of those two words before. I mean, these words are used so often in our everyday language, yet we don’t really take the time to fully embrace their meanings.

During the Lenten season we are called upon by Jesus to PRAY, SACRIFICE and UNITE with HIM for 40 days. In these 40 days we are to, as I understood it from Father’s Homily, take the time to be alone in PRAYER with the LORD our GOD. For some, taking the time out of their busy schedules to be with God is as routine as it can be. Yet for the others it’s a struggle! I would have to say that I’m one of those who struggle to take the time to be with God, alone in prayer. I believe that God calls us (the minority) to build up the courage to journey with Him in this Lenten season. I say “the minority” because I really believe that the amount of people who do build up the courage to journey with him is but a mere few. As I see it, when we do build up the courage to journey with Him as individuals we become a UNITED Church!!! A Church that is of FAITH and LOVE! And when we have those two weapons (FAITH and LOVE) we become a strong force. AMEN? AMEN!!! BUT...what happens when we become that strong force??? What happens when we become the majority! I truly believe that when there is a majority there is always an opposing force that wants to destroy and become that majority! So what do we as a Church do to prevent the collapse of our Unity? I don’t think I have the amount of knowledge to say what we should be doing, but the one thing that I know that can NEVER be wrong is to…PRAY and believe in our LORD. So let’s continue to TRY and SACRIFICE a bit of ourselves to be with our LORD our God during this Lenten season!


Tuesday, March 07, 2006


After reading Dee's post, I found some motivation to finally blog after a whole month. BUT because blogger sucks and of my own stupid faults I lost approximately 30 minutes worth of entry!!! This is the first time, in a long time that this happened. DAMN!!! I was on a roll!

Let me try to recapture some of the highlights of the LOST post!!!

Has anyone been having difficulty staying focused during Mass? I mean, I try really hard to stay focused and attentive to the readings, especially the Gospel, and the Homily. But I find myself thinking about school, what I need to get done, what I'm not getting done, grades, exams, family, friends, my career and so on...Maybe I'm trying TOO HARD!!! Trying too hard to stay focused instead of keeping things as simple as they can be. I try to remind myself that the time in mass is of spiritual development. A time to establish a connection with God in His most Holy Church! A communion with Jesus through the Eucharist! Do you all remember the saying "use it or lose it"? Well as I'm writing, I can't help but feel that way in terms of my spritual journey. I've regressed back to the LIFESTYLE of just going to mass to be at mass and not LIVING the faith DAILY! God has blessed us so greatly with Daily Mass yet, I fail to participate yet alone consider it! WHY? Again, like I said...a LIFESTYLE...I pray that some time soon, in God's time that I will progress into a LIFESTYLE that is of Jesus! A lifestyle of TESTIMONY! I think one of the things that really keeps me grounded and hopeful is when AO1 prepares for gigs. It really brings me back to that so called lost lifestyle. Music (Praise) is probably one of the only things that really gets me to think about living a life completely for Jesus because for some reason I am immersed in the lyrics, the sounds, and the voices. I know that this isn't the only thing that should keep me grounded, but I guess a little something is better than NONE!

Anyway...LENT!?! Just want to let all the fellaz know that I'm hanging in there and trying to keep myself disciplined. I know you guys are thinking that I'm probably going to be one of the first ones to fall, but you all need to think again? By the way, has anyone given in to temptation yet? haha...

Before I go to sleep, I just wanted to share this quote that I came across during a study break...

"If you are humble, nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are." - Mother Teresa...